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3 "petits crocos" had the chance to live the American dream in Miami, during the 2022 edition of the Miami Open tournament. Théa, Tristan and Sébastien had a busy but exciting programme over two days, organised by Tecnifibre and Lacoste.GILLES CERVARA: HIS 10 TIPS FOR IMPROVING TENNIS!
Have you ever dreamed of being coached like a professional player? Well, we asked Gilles Cervara, Daniil's coach, ATP Coach of the Year 2019, to give you some tips to help you achieve your Next Shot!HOW TO HAVE FUN ON THE COURT?
It is always said that in tennis you have to have fun to perform. When you lose after a good match, you may even think that the important thing is to have "had fun". But what is pleasure on the tennis court? Is it essential to keep motivated and to continue training?3 TIPS TO BECOME MENTALLY STRONGER
We've all asked ourselves this question: how can I become a more mentally robust player? Tecnimag gives you some keys.HOW TO PREPARE WELL BEFORE A TENNIS MATCH?
A pre-match preparation is not only defined by a "warm-up". There are several recurring practices to learn and then repeat before entering a court. Here are our tips.NUTRITION AND PREPARATION TIPS FROM 5 NON-TENNIS ATHLETES
As in every sport, preparation is vital to success on the tennis court. Whether it's Oliver Malcor training his players for the grass season or a player wanting to change the way he trains and/or eats, preparation often makes the difference between success and success.THE 3 KEYS TO IMPROVING YOUR TENNIS GAME, BY PHILIPPE DEHAES
Tennis is a very difficult game that requires a number of qualities: physicality, technique, tactical sense and of course mental qualities. Here is a series of exercises that will allow you to work on each part of the game in a specific way.HOW TO PREPARE FOR AN IMPORTANT TOURNAMENT? BY PHILIPPE DEHAES
For amateurs and professionals alike, managing the tournament schedule is important. Here are some tips to help you get to your goal for the year in the best possible condition.