After a year full of events and progress, Les Petits Crocos meet up again in December with Daniil Medvedev, in Cannes. A Training Camp made up to push their comfort zone.
Nobody was born a top player!
And Daniil Medvedev, ATP ranked 329th world in 2016 when he joined Tecnifibre, won’t say the opposite.
At that time, he too had participated in a Tecnifibre Training Camp, then organized in Brittany.
“This camp was great, even if certain moments were tough. When you fall in a 8 Celsius degree water from your paddle, it's not very pleasant. But it was great to be able to share this with players of different backgrounds, ages and nationalities."
Tecnifibre OTR Camp in 2016 with Daniil Medvedev

It is therefore logical that Daniil is welcoming Les Petits Crocos this year to his Tennis Elite Center training center in Cannes, for what looks like passing the baton.
He, the example to follow, now ranked 5th in the world and installed in the world of tennis, is delighted to share this experience with motivated and talented young players.
"It's really nice to share this with young players, who all play really well. When I was young, I really enjoyed participating in things like that. It's cool to help them, to tell them some words that will trigger something."

"For guys of this age, playing and talking with a great champion like Daniil Medvedev today, is an absolute dream. Something that will mark them for life!"
Arnaud di Pasquale
Godfather of "Les Petits Crocos"
They were therefore 8, ranked among the best of their generation, to participate in this event organized by Tecnifibre and Lacoste over 4 days:
- Antoine Ghibaudo - FRANCE (2005)
- Tiago Pires - FRANCE (2005)
- Antonio Voljavec - CROATIA (2006)
- Roger Pascual Ferra - SPAIN (2006)
- Luka Talan Lopatic - SLOVENIA (2007)
- Yannick NGantcha Lliso- ITALY (2007)
- OGnjen Milic - SERBIA (2007)
- Gabriel Ghetu - ROMANIA (2007)
During this performance-oriented camp, various activities scheduled: tennis of course, but also football, mountain biking, physical preparation or even boxing sessions!

All this, of course, supervised by a full staff, as well as by their Godfather, Arnaud di Pasquale, who takes his role very seriously.
"Personally, my role as Godfather of this program is based on transmission, exchanges with the young players and their close circle.
And the idea with this Camp is to share with these young talents nice moments together, to see them evolve and to accompany them, by taking them out of their comfort zone.
For guys of this age, playing and talking
with a great champion like Daniil Medvedev today, is an absolute dream. Something that will mark them for life!”

Reminder: "Les Petits Crocos", what is it?
With the will to work together with a group of young hopefuls players of different nationalities to the high level, the Lacoste-Tecnifibre duo unveils in 2018 a new mentoring program: Les Petits Crocos. In order to look for tomorrow’s champion and to pass on the René Lacoste values at a very early age, a detection and recruitment campaign was launched in 2018. Mentored by Arnaud Di Pasquale, Les Petits Crocos were able to meet at several key moments of the season: during the Petits As – Le Mondial Lacoste, during Roland Garros for a day of exchanges and sharing with the professional players of the Team, as well as during the Training Camp in December to get out of their comfort zone.
See you in 2020!